[Committee on the fees of Sheriffs]
Order of the House that Messrs Spring, Winter and McClure with such as the Senate may join, be a committee to consider if any and what alteration or amendment is necessary in the Law fixing the compensation of Sheriffs of the several Counties, came up for concurrence; and was read & now concurred.-
Resolve in favor of Jonathan McKenney was read once and postponed in definitely.-
Resolve on the petition of the President & Directors of the Cumberland Bank, was read a 2d time and refused passage : and on motion of Mr. McCobb. the Senate reconsider their last vote and commit the Resolve to Messrs Usher, McCobb and McDonald.-
[Report &c]
Mr. Usher from the committee on so much of the Governor's message of the 10th Inst as relates to the personal property assigned by Massachusetts to Maine; and also upon an order directing them to enquire relative to the Bonds given for the performance of settling duties &c made a report which was read, accepted and sent down for concurrence.-