this regiment honorably discharged if possible, now I will give you my reasons for the above course. since the late disastrous battle at Stone Bridge we have been shamefully treated, particularly for men who at a moments notice bravely marched forth to defend their country. altho. we[?] the 28th day of June last made a requisition in government for clothing none as yet has been furnished us. We are now[?] ragged without those. Encamped upon a miserable, and unhealthy spot which during a ruin is hardly fordable, We are daily promised a change but none comes, We are from time to time promised clothing but none appears, while the third and fourth Maine regiments received a thorough new outfit[?] before the late engagement, In the mean time the military spirit & rigor of our men has gradually wasted away, until it has a[?] dwindled into a mere skeleton, I am truly ashamed to have any of my Eastern friends[?] visit[?] us particularly as we have a good name which we have honorably gained, the official reports of Genl tyler & Co. Keyes bearing witness to the Same besides we have lost[?] many prominent men, including Chaplain [?] bearer[?], Lieutenants and Captain. Notwith Standing [Notwithstanding] all there [their] misfortunes we have until yesterday