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The Aroostook Republican Caribou,Main e May 11,1961

GRAND LS.LE - Bem Porter, Maine author of E ,uc:h varied titlies as Art Techniques, EchHlerh.:t1u.s, Rhy,sies ·f or Tc,m orrow, arud a long list o.f monographs, has .~rpent • the ,par t year travels ing and gatheiring materials throug:houit Ne,w E,n g·,and, Canada, the United States and the St. John V alley for his work in p:·ccess, "Tale,, of As!hla·nrd." The la,st uwo mor.rt:hs rhave been sipent in IMa,dawaska and vicinity. Born 50 years ago at Porter Settlement, Me., Po:-te,r came to Ca:ais from Australia in Ma.r ah c,f J,a~'t yea·r, moved on to A:shland .in Au,gu,",t to exarmine the Ma rne educationral syst,em, conduct an educational test for the InsflJUte of Avanced Thinking; a nd to travel over the wide area ""<ter:ding from the Allaga,s h to L,ar bra,dm, Prince Edward I1 11and, S Cape Breton and Nova Scotia, in ~ ·2arc.!1 of area custo• s, speech, m habits and local color. In Calais, Porter c·o mpleted tJhe work "What Our Le,ge111ds, wiith the New York ,poet, Richard Higg,i ns. In M,ad,a,w,ask,a, he completed "Wa- te Maker," 1926· s 1961. Hi,s n ew work will use key pe,c,pl-e of Ash.land as compos:ite types of the entire area studied. Summing up th.e enrtire y,e ar th":,;; week in Madawaska, Porter ~dd, "Pa.rt of the Canadii,an M :i·ritmes an,ct this p,art of Eastern Maine has an essenrtial indii · genou,s q,ua,ldty w'hi·Ch arises from the rugged climate, com parative isol!ation, early ,settler blood strain, ianrd tr,a,ditio,n s of seve~al dl'stinct cultures; all of wthich is exceedin1gly rich, varied, arod o~lorful in its depths." Pce:ter and h :s wi·f e , leave soon for Russia via Montreal and Norway.

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