158 was One hundred and twenty nine necessary to a choice sixty five Isaac Hodsdon had seventy eight he was declared elected on their part.
Ordered that Messrs Hobbs of Waterboro, Vance of Baring & Cook of Raymond be a committee to consider if any alterations be necessary in the Law respecting attachment of Real Estate on mesne process ect - read & passed. Sent up for concurrence.
Bill additional act respecting the passing of Fish in seven mile brook in Vassalboro, was amended as on sheet annexed marked C read a third time & passed to be engrossed. Sent up for concurrence.
Resolve establishing the seat of Government, came again from he Senate, that body referring the subject indefinitely - The House insist upon their vote passing the Resolve to be reengrossed as in new draft marked F and propose a conference and appoint as conferees on their part Messrs Evans of Gardiner, Adams of Portland & Chase of Kittery.