[all of our instruments were lost before the battle commenced by the Brigade Quartermaster] and started on my return on foot after going about three miles, soldiers told me that our boys[?] were not going to Falls Church but to Alexandria
I attempted to get there and in doing so I unfortunately met Dr[?] Garcelon to whom I am indebted as my friends[?] seem to think for this villainous story
Evince will be given you that every effort was made by me to join my Reg. that an exhausted man of forty miles foot travel[?] and thirty hours fasting could make
Furthermore if punishment does not fall upon the author of this [?] it will be because he is too mean to receive it
The 2d Maine Reg has some base and contemptible enemies but it has no such cowards as they wish to represent
I will also state that the story trumped[?] up by the same individual charging Dr. Palmer with cowardice is completely false
I regret to say that among the things