ELL! There's one store-rront In Portland that you can't pass idly byI have tlied it, many an instance, and it always holds the eye. It's a triwnph of artistry. a marvel of ~od taste And an index or the business and the skill with which it's placed. I wish I bad the la~uage that befits the happy theme. I would draw f01' you a picture of a store that is a dream; But there's one thjn~ mi~hty certain. In the wondrous thtn~ they show. Tllat, whatevel' be tbe at'Ucle, the price is always Low.
- P or 'twas Ilow who buDt the business and bas made its name so ~l'eat;
'Tis Ilow who's made it famous. as the finest in the State, \VllOse sldU in advertisi~ and whose genlus-nothin~ lesslIas developed bere the business that bas always spelled "success." It's tbe habit, up in Portland-sbe must be conservative; She must tryout her men of business; must know them "where they llve"Let us tell you wbat we ~ther, as business reputations go, "One of our best, most-bonored mercbants-" is Portland's Frank 1\1. Low.
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