199 [1823 January 29]
[Report concerning Commiss' under Act of Separation] Mr. Bond from the Committee appointed to enquire whether any money has been advanced to the Commissioners under the act of separation, which has not been accounted for made a written report, which was read and accepted.
Adjourned to half past two oclock P.M. Afternoon - [Resolve authorizing Barrett Potter to settle business in York County] Resolve authorizing Barret Potter to settle certain Probate business in York County, which had been passed to be engrossed and sent down for concurrence, came up concurred.
[Resolve for purchasing Greenleafs Reports] Resolve for purchasing Greenleaf's Reports came up and the House so far recede from their former vote as to concur with the Senate in passing the Resolve to be engrossed.
[Bill establishing a Ministerial & School found in Green] Bill establishing a ministerial and school fund in Green, which had been passed to be engrossed with amendments & sent down for concurrence, came up concurrence.
[Report on Petitions] Report of a Committee of the House, on the petition of James Lord and others which had been accepted in the House, came up for concurrence, was read and concurred.
[Order respecting Militia] Order of the House that the Joint Committee on so much of the Governor's Message as relates to the Militia, be instructed to enquire into the expediency of repealing so much of the Militia law as requires town to