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three times a day. the running time being ordinarily thirty five to forty minutes. Over that road as one of the directors I have free pass & can therefore visit Oldtown [Old Town] at any time that occasion shall require be the weather fair or foul. Besides the Indians are more or less scattered all along the river, . Quite a settlement is located just above this city on the Brewer side where they live the year round[?] and many of them spend a good part of the warm season below this place.

Just this once, if I am appointed Agent I shall have for my assistant my nephew Geo. L.[?] Dillingham a resident of Oldtown [Old Town] now Treasurer of that town & doing business there. His father, (now dead) was appointed Agent by Gov A. P. Morrill & held the office one year till the the[?] Wiles[?] adminstration [administration] came in and [?] of different politics was appointed to the place[.] under my brother, Geo became acquainted with every Indian in the tribe understands all their wants and [?] & is a great favorite with them[.] he is as well (not to say better) qualified to discharge the duties of the office as any of the applicants for the place. He occupies[?] my store directly in front of the Indian Island, and with such an assistant so located I do not see that any reasonable objection can be wise on the score of convenience. The duties