Index O[bold} Order concerning Poor Debtor Act 134 for the joint committees to report without delay 140 for all the papers relative to the division of Lincoln County 140 for two sessions each day in both branches 146 for the Bill authorizing the sale of Ministerial land in Baldwin 147 concerning accounts against the State 163 concerning visiting the Banks 171 respecting the repeal of a part of the Militia Law 199 for the Bill granting a Lottery for the benefit of the Cumberland and Oxford Canal 207.232 for the Resolve in favor of Josiah Hacker 209 for the Secretary of State to procure 300 copies of the Act dividing the State into Districts 241 for the entry of a Protest 247 for the Bill to prevent unnecessary cost in Criminal Prosecutions 246 for additional compensation to Secretary of Senate for making up Journal +c 262
Petitions read and committed reported
of Isaac Abbott &als 38 67
Nehemiah Adams 37 159
Selectmen of Addison 39 49.86[?]
Benjamin Allen Junr 29 49.66
Town of Anson 21 49.57.60
Town of Albany 109 128
Archibald Anderson 3rd 97 110
Alexander Arskin & als 26 179
Arthur McArthur & als 99
Selectmen of Athens 29 58