State of Maine [bold] Portland January 2nd 1828]
This day having been designated by the Constitution of the State for the meeting of the Legislature thereof, the following gentlemen having been elected by the People and summoned by the Governor and Council ap peared in the Senate Chamber
[left column] Messrs Mark Dennet " Moses Sweat " Isaac Emery {right column] York
[left column{ " Robert L. Dunlap " John L. Megquier " Benjamin H. Mace [right column] Cumberland
[left column} " Edward Kavanaugh " William Richardson " Joel Miller " Ebenezer Herrick {right column] Lincoln
[left column] " Rueul Williams " Nathan Cutler " Joshua Cushman [right column] Kennebec
" Joshua W. Hathaway Hancock
" Rueul Washburn " John Grover {right column] Oxford
" Samuel Weston Somerset