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242 [1823 February 6]

[Bill enacted] Mr. Witham from the Committee on engrossed Bills reported the following to be truly copied, viz Bill to authorize the town of Kennebunk to keep and maintain a Bridge over Mousum River. Bill respecting a Bridge in Sullivan, Bill to incorporate the Augusta & Bangor Stage Company, Bill authorizing the Supreme Judicial Court to lay out or alter public highways in certain cases. and Bill additional to an Act regulating the jurisdiction & proceedings of the Courts of Probate, and they were severally passed to be enacted, also [Resolve passed] Resolve respecting the purchase of a stand and of weights and measures, and it was passed. [Bills enacted] Mr. Wilson from the same Committee reported the following Bills to be truly copied, viz. Bill to incorporate the Bar Mill Bridge Properties, Bill further regulating the Herring Fishery, Bill to incorporate Bethlehem Lodge, Bill to incorporate the Maine Baptist Missionary Society, and Bill to establish a School fund in Wiscasset. and they were severally passed to be enacted; Also [Resolves passed] Resolve in favor of the Passamaquoddy Indians and Resolve authorizing the sale of a Gun house and they were passed. On