Tuesday January 29th 1828
Met according to adjournment
On motion of Mr Phelps of Fairfield, Ordered that the committee on the Judiciary be directed to inquire into the expediency of providing by law that the Overseers of the Poor shall annually make out a statement + account of the names and expense of the Paupers in their respective towns for the year next preceding the annual meeting holden in the month of March - which statement shall contain as near as maybe The age of the respective paupers - The sums expended on each, The cause of their being unable to support themselves as Idiocy, Insanity, Age, Infirmity of body or mind - Idleness, vicious habits & where Intemperance is an accompanying cause it shall always be mentioned. - And said account shall contain the amount of all sums expended in prosecuting and defending suits in rela tion to the Poor - And the number of Paupers who have no legal settlement in any town within this State. And the mode adopted in the several towns for the support of the poor - And the statement and account so made out + signed by the overseers of the Poor to be by them forwarded to the Secretary of State on or before the thirtieth day of June annually - and That the Secretary of State preserve such returns on file in his Office alphabetically by Counties + make return on or before the thirtieth day of January annually to the Legislature of the amount paid by each County + the number of Paupers - read + passed. Sent up for concurrence.