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�any other description are forbidden to be worn. The Major[apparent hyphen]- Generals, each in his own Division, will give the necefsary orders for the musters of the approaching season, as the law requires. By order of the Commander in chief, William Donnison, Adjutant General. [line extends about 2/3 width of page]

Brigade Orders, 2. Brigade, 8. Division, Augusta, May 3, 1799. W. Samuel E. Dutton, [a symbol for 'and', resembling a + sign] W. Moses Palmer, of the Company of Artillery in Hallowell, having relinquished their claim to Commifsions by virtue of their late elections in said Company, and Major-General Dearborn having directed a new choice, the noncommifsioned Officers and Matrofses[spelling??] of the said Company of Artillery will afsemble at Randall's Tavern in said Hallowell, on Thursday the 16. instant, at three o'clock in the afternoon, to elect a Captain [a plus sign indicating 'and'] such other Officers as may [caret] then [written above text] be necefsary to fill the vacancies insaid Company. Major Samuel Howard will please to preside and make return of the elections. [signature:]H.Sewall, B.Gen.