Petition of Elkhanah Hanscombe and others of Plantation No 20 in the Eastern Division Washington County to be incorporated into a town by the name of Liberty " of James McCarty and others of Squam Island for incorporation into a town by the name of Westport " of Washington Remick that his lands in Kittery may be annexed to Elliot " of Manasseh Lawrence and others of Canton to be annexed to Jay " of Selectmen of Litchfield that the boundary line between that town and Wales may be established and " of William Glidden and others of Patricktown planta tion to be annexed to Jefferson and Remonstrance of David Kimball + others " of town of Starks [both the above entries] agst the petition of Joshua Young + als " of Selectmen of Canton agst the petition of Manasseh Lawrence " of town of Foxcroft agst petition of Richard Newell + others " of town of Danville agt petition of Isaac Lambert were severally read and referred to the committee on Incorpora tion of towns in concurrence.
Petition of Benjamin Nourse and others of Bangor for incorpo- ration to build a meeting House in Bangor to be styled the first Methodist Episcopal meeting House in Bangor " of Alen Gilman and others for incorporation to build a Meeting House for the use of the independent Congrega tional Society in Bangor were referred in concurrence to the Committee on Parishes +c.
Petition of Barnabas Tabor that Paul Tabor may be authorized
to convey certain lands belonging to his ward, " of Jonathan McKenney for remuneration of expenses in curred in arresting one Johnson a fugitive from justive. " of Isaac Pope for compensation in damages done him by locating a road over his lands were severally referred in con