[Left margin: Militia system.
referred to the next Legislature for concurrence and the Senate postpone the further consideration thereof indefinitely Sent down for concurrence. Concurred
[Left margin: Resolve in favor of the town of Pittsfield]
Resolve in favor of the town of Pittsfield came up with a proposition for a conference which the Senate accepted, and on their part appoint Messrs Washburn, Dunn and Gardner Conferees.
[Left margin: Bill to incorporate the Fayette Musical Society]
Bill to incorporate the Fayette Musical Society came up passage refused and the Senate reconsidered their former vote and postponed the further consideration thereof indefinitely Sent down for concurrence. Concurred
[Left margin: Resolve for the payment of contingent expenses. Resolve for the purchase of Stationary]
Mr. Williams had leave to lay on the table
Resolve for the payment of contingent expenses &
Resove for the purchase of Stationary and the same were severally read once ordered to a second reading, again read and passed to be engrossed. sent down for concurrence
Mr. Francis of Kennebec has leave of absence after today
Ebenr[?] Hutchinson Secy[?]