reported the following to be truly copied viz
[Bill - Pro of Kittery Point Bridge]
Bill additional to an Act to incorporate the Proprietors of Kittery Point Bridge
[Bill lien to ship car]
" giving a lien to Ship Carpenters and others on Vessels
[" Bangor Mech]
" to incorporate the Bangor Mechanic Association,
[" Manufacturing Companies]
" in addition to the several Acts defining, the general powers and duties of Manufacturing Companies
[" Engine men]
" to authorize the Selectmen of Portland and Bath to appoint an additional number of Enginemen;
[" Penob. Mill Dam]
" to incorporate the Penobscot Mill Dam Corporation &
[" Bruns. Ton. Hotel]
Bill to incorporate the Proprietors of the Brunswick Tontine [?] Hotel and the same were severally passed to be enacted