Resolve in favor of the Passamaquoddy Indians.
Resolve in favor of Samuel Foss.
Resolve designating the place where the next Legislature shall meet.
Resolve for purchasing Greenleaf's Reports.
Resolve providing Compensation for certain officers of the Legislature. -
Resolve for repairing and competing the State road from barring to Houlton Plantation near Baskahegan.
Resolve in favor of North Yarmouth Academy.
Resolve respecting Internal Improvement in this State.
Resolves respecting the State road near Passadunkeag.
Resolve making further provision respecting the State road from Sunkhage to Mattawamkeag river.
Resolve in favor of the Cumberland and Oxford Canal.
Resolve authorizing a loan of Money.
An additional Resolve providing for the promulgation and distribution of the Laws, Resolves and Judicial Reports of the State.
Resolve authorizing the Land agent to aid the town of Ellsworth in making a road through the State's land, in that town.