From DigitalMaine Transcription Project
LWAYS look before you leap, sir," Old Davy Crockett said. The adage lives among us; tho Dayy's long since deadAnd, here the other day, when up Aroostook way, I heard the Sheriff's neighbors this little tribute pay:"He neYer fails to carry thru the thing he undertakes; "He seems to have no aptitude for the making of mistakes; "'.rhe facts will serve, in Thurlough's case this very thing to prove "He always notes the principle, before he makes a move." For this, his town's behind him and so's Aroostool{ too; They back him up, in business. and in elections put him th1'u; And that is why he's listed, as one of Aroostook~s leading men; And that is why he's Sheriff and will be Sheriff yet again.