Company came from the House referred to Messrs. Mitchell of F., Mitchell of N.Y. and Parcher, with such as the Senate may join to consider the expediency of passing the same for concurrence and the Senate refuse to join the Committee. Sent down.
[left] Resolve to aid the Inhabitants of Fryeburg Resolve to aid the Inhabitants of Fryeburg in rebuilding and maintaining a free bridge across the canal so called in said town came up indefinitely postponed for concurrence and the Senate concurred.
[left] Bill to incor. town of Hancock Bill to incorporate the town of Hancock and [left[ fish in Dyer's River Bill additional regulating the taking of fish in Dyer's River came up amended for concurrence and the Senate concurred.
[left] Bill - fish in Dennys River Bill additional to an Act to prevent the destruction of fish in Dennys River and Pemmaquan and [left] Bill - fish in the mouth of Kennebec River Bill regulating fisheries at the mouth of the Kennebec River were severally read once and tomorrow 10 o clock assigned for a second reading.
[left] pet. of N. Coffin + als Bill - M. Fire Ins Company Mr. Emery from the Committee on Banks on the petition of Nathaniel Coffin and others reported Bill to incorporate the Mutual Fire Insurance Company of Wiscasset and the same was read once and tomorrow 10 o clock assigned for a second reading.
[left] Bowdoin College Mr. Williams from the Committee reported in a new draft Resolve in favor of the Trustees and Overseers of Bowdoin College, entitled Resolve in favor of Students in Bowdoin College and the same was passed to be engrossed as taken into this new draft. Sent down for concurrence.