a second time, and the question on passing this Resolve to be engrossed and decided in the negative by yeas and nays which were ordered and stood as follows Yeas Messrs. Dennett, Sweat, Emery, Balkam, Cushman, Grover and Weston 7 Nays Messrs. Megquier, Mace, Kavanagh, Richadrson, Miller, Herrick, Shaw, Cutler, Washburn and Parsons. 10 [left] Yeas and Nays
Mr. Grover from the Committee on Engrossed Bills reported the following to be truly copied viz
Bill additional respecting the Fishery in the seven mile Brook in Vassalborough
Bill - fish in 7 m brook
" to incorporate the Female Orphan asylum of Portland, [left] " Female orphan Soci[?]
" to incorporate the Abyssinian Religious Society of Portland + Bill to incorporate the Central Bank and the same were passed to be enacted [left] " A.R. Society " Central Bank
and also Resolve relating to aggressions upon the North Eastern Frontier of the State, [left] Resolve - aggressions on N.E. boundary
" " making appropriation for expenses of the State Arsenal, [left] " State Arsenal
" relating to the North Eastern Boundary [left] " NE boundary
in favor of Caleb Jewett and others [left] " C. Jewett +als
" for the relief of John Hobbs [left] " John Hobbs
" for the benefit of Waterville College [left] ' W. College
Resolve in favor of James Irish and the same were finally passed. [left] " Jas. Irish
And then Bills and Resolves were presented to the Governor for his approbation and signature,
Attest, Eben Hutchinson Secretary