18 A Reconnaissance by Cavelry There was a force of Cavelry passed our camp in the direction of Kellys Ford. Sidney and Prentis called to see me as they passed. 14th We have marching orders to be ready to move tomorrow morning. 15th We have no orders to strike tents yet. A rumor that the cavelry met the enemy at warenton. It has rained hard all the morning. 16th I reed a letter from home. 17th I reed a paper from home. A rumor that our troops are at Gardansville.
20th It rained most all day.
21st Fair and cold. Corporal Libby retu-rned from Me. He had 13 days furlow.
22nd I was on guard. Our Regt changed camp ground about a mile onto smallpox hill. It comensed raining in the night.
23rd We was relieved from guard and followed the regt to the new camp. It rained hard most all day. Three men and I pitched our tent together.
24th Got letters from Frances and Nathaniel Coffin.
25th News that our troops were doing well at Charleston. We signed the pay rolls.
26th Sunday. Fine weather. We sent a letter home.