[Resolve - line between Windham and Gray]
Resolve appointing a Committee to establish the line between the towns of Windham and Gray came up amended for concurrence and the Senate concurred,
[pet. of Berwick]
report of the Committee on incorporation of towns granting, leave to withdraw on the petition of Washington Remick was accepted in concurrence,
[Resolve J.B. Prince]
Resolve in favor of Joseph B Prince was informed to the next Legislature in concurrence,
[Resolve - boundary line between Maine & New Hampshire]
Mr. Sweat from the Committee to whom was referred the special Message of the Governor of the 28th alt accompanied by the Report of the Commissioners under the Resolve of January 20th 1827 providing for the survey and establishment of the line between Maine and New Hampshire made a detailed report, accompanied by Resolve relating to boundary line between Maine and New Hampshire and the same were read and passed to be engrossed. Sent down for concurrence and
[pet of A. Austin]
Also reported a reference to the next Legislature on the petition of Abrathar Austin in behalf of the Proprietors of Canton Point Bridge, read and accepted. Sent down for concurrence