Resolve in favor of Jonathan McKenney 32. 68.
" on petition of John B. Swanton 38. 81
" additional authorizing the purchase of Books for the use of the Legislature 44. 76.
" providing public Building for the use of the state 52. 65. 66. 72. 78. 86. 129
" for making the Road from Baring to Houlton Plantation 57. 72. 91
" additional for opening and cleaning the Road from the South line of township no.2 old Indian purchase to Maranawcock Stream 57. 61. 87. 113.
" providing for the purchase and distribution of Greenleafs Reports for the use of the State 62. 67. 81.
' providing for the distribution of Lawss & Resolves 65. 72.
" in favor of Timothy Hall Junior 66. 100.
" in favor of Josiah Morvill 66. 91.
" in favor of Joshua Carpenter 67. 80. 94. 113. 159.
" additional Resolve respecting certain certain settlers on the public Lands 67. 78. 113.
" in favour of the town of Steuben 78. 88. 100.