State of Maine
To all persons to whom these presents shall come,
[to the left of this paragraph is a circle with the word "Seal." underlined inside it and "William King" written under it]
Whereas, before the Supreme Judicial Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, begun and holden at Castine, within our County of Hancock, and for our Counties of Hancock, Penobscot and Washington, on the second Monday of September, in the year of Lord, one thousand eight hundred and nineteen, by adjournment from the third Tuesday of June, of the same years, Thomas Reddy, of Deer Isle, in our County of Hancock aforesaid laborer, was convicted of the crime of Larceny, on the several Indictments, and thereupon, by our said Court, and sentenced to, on our conviction, solitary confinement for the term of five days, and afterwards to confinement to hard labor for the term of six months; and on the other conviction, was sentenced to solitary confinement for the term of two days, and to confinement to hard labor for the term of six months, commencing after the expiration of the former sentence, and both to be executed on time in the gaol of the County of Hancock, a part of which latter sentence remains unexecuted, and for the said Thomas Reddy has humbly supplicated us for mercy.
Now know ye, that, after full consideration of the premises, We do hereby remit to him, the said Thomas Reddy, all that part of the punishment aforesaid, that remains unexecuted; and grant to him the said Thomas Reddy a full and free pardon of the crime aforesaid; of which all our Judges, Justices, Magistrates and officers of every denomination are to take notice.
Witness William King, our governor, with the advice and consent of our council, and our Seal hereunto affixed, at Portland, the twenty second day of June, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty; and in the forty fourth year of the Independence of the United States of America
By the Governor;
Ashur Ware, Secretary of State