Index M Message from the House proposing an amendment in the Resolve for the sale of a Gun House } 244 from the House proposing an amendment in the Bill to organize govern & discipline the Militia } 262 From the House informing that they are about to investigate the causes assigned for the removal of James M Rogers &c } 264 Message from the Governor relative to claims assigned to this State } 84 recorded 297
From the governor 105 " with a communication from the Governor of Massachusetts ) 165 " relative to the resignation of Major General of the 4th Division } 176
Messages to and from the House relative to addition to the Committee on Literature 91 relative to the qualification of COunsellors 24, 107, 118 relative to the time of adjournment 187, 207 relative to the Resolve for the admission of attorneys 207 relative to committee of conference on the Bill to divide the town of North Yarmouth }215
Messenger to Senate chosen &c 4, 266 Militia law order respecting repealing a part 199