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320 Tappan ~tr .E t Br :-kJ ine, ~Els~. June 18, 1054

.:r..., . F . v: . Jacnbs ~"in~ ~tFte Libr8ry !.ugustE, '!Dine ,

Deer n_rs. J&.cobs: I must ri.p') ogize for not re lyi!l!". t0 :')'our inr uiry Pbout the disrosition of the 1~rtley paintings sooner ~ut I h&.ve b ~n so busy that I he: ve not hPd time to ::it lrwm o \rite letter~ . It rs my sincere desire to h:-vc my uncle ' s ishes c· r ied out in regrrd to the e ·rts ~f ~ai ntinps he h J ad pl&nned .'.:'or _o!:le of the int ti tutio!ls in ·1rr ine ~!ld it h£ s been h.., er rt-breald!lr; l .J.e to Leve been frustrrtecl in this mettrr . ~ry sisters , ~~rs . ~loria Ca 1ier , and ·rs . Tmilie Perry , joined ~e in the rttempt to obt in the cons0nt of the other heirs ,nd rt in,t, the H2ine heirs "t;r.ed to stand vith us a Lfter on hovever, at the Euggestion end i si:tance of their le ;::i 1 counseler , Harry ,,r2nser, (Judge of Th€ C' upre:ne Court of the "t2te of I:~aine) \ ho is o. rr;lr.i.tive of theirs marriage , they \ i thc'1re1 !·heir consent to h2.vin 6 . . r-- in tings bi ve.1 o the :TBine iu~ti tuti,ms a Not only b1Fit but they refused to a llm ny f' stP:r s amd mE t() t:-ke so-nci of the 1n int n<.) s [:: )art of our c.:i~tr-i .)uti ve shE.rP of the est& t • And so the c:.intL1L s h ave ~Y.:. e _~ litt- I'E.l~.., tossed invo the c 1 s o he New York 1' sherks 11 nc \·e c.. 11



nut .

Tf th re v ( r-"" cc~. Fthing I c uld do nb ut it I v 1ul" be l~d ,.,o but so f2r a \ I know t h e matter is settled . It lf: rather irJnicrl t:1 the rir~L -2 ...~elEtives ;;. .. OU rl be tb_ 0nrs to r')~- the

trte ofLittleB (talk) Ill") of the uifts , h Ch shou::?.., rigl:tful::?..,,r ..1fVe J((n plcced

S a me .. Ol i[ l to " r sd.e,n aartl_ ~ nd for the rx.:1Gfi t of _::' 1 ~ure



'-'enerrtions . Than ou very much for ~ our c, i .. rov ·ng .1y clriim~ th.lt ~rrrsden _F>rt hr 1.;L_s_,. . . ·nt--'r.t,i: t: hit rn:it vc stP e .


er, tio_ L tli~ £'[' E"t _._1 c nned to g ve

~ince~Aly yours ,

9;LittleB (talk) 04:41, 31 March 2017 (UTC) I:orn::. 3erger