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6 discharge of their official duties.

Accordingly the Governor, attended by the Council, Secretary & Treasurer of State, preceded by the Sheriff of Cumberland, came in when the members of the Senate were duly qualified them for the exercise of their official duties - after which the aforenamed members of the House of Representatives were qualified in like manner for the duties of their office. The Governor, Council, Secretary & Treasurer of State then withdrew - The Senator also withdrew.

A committee was appointed to receive, sorry & count the votes for a Clerk, and the Ballots being taken, it appeared the whole number given in was One hundred & thirty four - necessary to a choice sixty eight - that [underlined]James L Child Esquire of Alna[end underline] had one hundred & thirty one, and he was declared elected and being present, signified his acceptance of that office, & took the following oath which was administered to him by the Chairman - viz. "I James L Child, elected" "Clerk of the House of Representatives for the State of Maine" "For the current political year, do solemnly swear that I will" faithfully & impartially discharge the duties of that office, according to my best abilities, & discretion. So help me GOD."

The Clerk presided during the further organization of the House.

A committee, consisting of Messrs Abbot of Castine, Hodgman of Warren, Bixby of Athens, White of Monmouth & Bent of Bangor, were appointed to receive, sort & county the votes for Speaker - and the votes being counted, it appeared the whole number go in was One hundred & forty - necessary to a choice seventy one - that [underline]John Ruggles Esquire of Thomaston[end underline] had seventy five and he was declared elected. The Clerk thereupon an-