From DigitalMaine Transcription Project
Grand Parade at 10, Lt. John Meechum of the Third Massachusetts Regiments is appointed adjutt[?] to the Same from the Tent of last August vice Adjutt[?] Burnham Resigned
Head Quarter Novr. 3d 1780
Officers for to Morrow
B G. Glover
Colo. Butler
Lt. Colo. Hoit
Major Talbot
B Majr. Oliver
Lt. Enos Reeves of the 10th Pena. Regiment is appointed Qr. Master to the Same (vice)[?] Lt. J[?] Banks from the 1st Instant In the publication of the Resolve of Congress of the 3d & 21st of Octr their [there?] was an Omission of part of the 3d