The General having received Intelligence that the Enemy means to make a Forage in this State the Army is to be held in Readiness to march at a Moments Warning, they will have two Days Provisions Cooked before Hand, The officers are to Remain in Camp and no passes to Soldiers to go Beyond the Limits of Camp till further Orders, The Qr. Msr. General will have Orders Respecting the Horses of the Army
Head Quarters Novr. 22d 1780
For to Morrow
B G. Huntington Lt. Colo. Comdt. Sherman
Lt. Colo. Hull
Majr. Talbot
B Majr. Vanlear
A Fateague [Fatigue?] party of fifty Men properly Officered from the Massachusetts & Connecticut Lines with four days Provisions to parade to Morrow Morning at Guard Mounting at the Qr. Mr. Genls. & take his Orders these parties will Join their