Committees - continued. - on subject of defining number of bushels of Salt to constitute a Hogshead. 134. of reporting if Joshua Carpenter has any claim for labor on Madawaska Road. 135. -of selling lands belonging to Passamaquody Indians. 136. - of prohibiting by law, members of Legislature from being appointed to Office &. 141.188. - taking away the compensation to Quarter Masters of Reg. & Brigades. 143. - allowing towns to draw from Treasury of State amt. of taxes on untaxable land &c. 147. - of collection of Military Fines &c &c. 149.203. - of apportioning tax between Hodsdon & Belfast Academy Grant. 149. - providing for inspection of Sole Leather.151. - Clerks of Courts being appointed by Judges of S.J. Court. 154. - limiting time for contesting validity of sales of land for Taxes &c. 156.203. - abolishing punishment of death. 156. - returns of births & deaths annually &. 157.195. - amending laws respecting collection of Highway taxes &c. 158.203.229. - exempting farming utensils from being attached. 160. amend law respecting legal process. 160.194. -disallowing fees of Complainants against bad roads &. 162.204. -amend the law in respect to rights of illegitimate children. 167.194.