� 80 July Gen Grant and Mead Genl Mead came into the fort near by us to view the rebel masks. 22d A fair day but cold. The first Me heavy artillery was in fatigue within sixty rods of us. I went to their regt. Genls Meed & Grant come to the fort to view the enemys masks. With heavy musketry in sigh on the right, at five oclock last. I dont think either side came out of the marks. 23d The regt was detaled to work on a fort. A few shells wer thrown at us but did not damage 24th Sunday. Sidney and Tim Drew came to the regt to see me and staid to dinner. I went to the heavy artillery with them in the P.M. I came back in the evening. It comen-sed to rain and kept it up with heavy wind all night. 25th It stoped raining at seven oclock in the morning. 26th A fair day. All quiet along the line. 24th A shell is occasionaly thrown at our masking parties.