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Thursday January 18th 1827

Met according to adjournment.

The House reconsidered their vote assigning Friday next at 11 oclock for the choice of Mayor General for the first division & assigned Wednesday 24th inst for that purpose.

Resolve in favor of Thurston Card, was read a second time & passed to be engrossed in concurrence with the Senate.

Resolve providing for the survey & establishment of the line between Maine and New Hampshire, was read a second time and passed to be engrossed in concurrence with the Senate.

Ordered that the joint standing Committee on the Judiciary be directed to inquire into the expediency of amending the act relating to Hogshead Lhooks, passed in 1821 read and passed. Sent up for concurrence.

Agreeably to assignment the House proceeded at 11 oclock to ballot for a Senator to the Congress of the United States from this State. The whole number of votes given was One hundred and fourty nine necessary to a choice on the part of the House seventy five Allion K Parris Esq had seventy seven and he was declared elected on the part of the house and the Clerk was requested to acquaint the Senate therewith.

Petition of George Thatcher for an increase of this salary as Register of Probate, came from the Senate referred to Messon Emery & Dennett with such as the House may join, and the House concerred