Senate Feby 12 1824.-
Bill to incorporate the Casco Bank, was read once and committed, and tomorrow at 10 oclock assigned for a 2d reading.-
[Bill enacted]
Mr. Witham from the committee on engrossed Bills, reported the following to be truly copied, viz.- Bill to incorporate the proprietors of Kittery Point Bridge, Bill to set off Jonathan Powers & als. from Palmyra to Warsaw - Bill altering the time of holding the Court of Sessions in York County, Bill respecting Public Shows and exhibitions, Bill providing for the sale & disposition of Ministerial & school lands, and Bill additional to an act to regulate the Herring fishery : and they were severally passed to be enacted : also
Resolve in favor of Jedediah Herrick, and it was passed.-
Resolve in favor of James J. Boyd, was read a 2d time and passed to be engrossed : sent down for concurrence : (concurred Feb. 13)
Bill fixing the time of holding the Court of Common Pleas in the County of Cumberland, was read a 2d time & passed to be engrossed with amendments : sent down for concurrence : (concurred Feb. 13th)
Mr. Wilkins from the committee on petition of the Court of Sessions and als. of Washington County, reported a Resolve authorizing the Governor to open a road though the States Land to the Baskakegan River in Washington County; which was read once and committed, and tomorrow at 10 oclock assigned for a 2d reading.-