Nays- Messrs. Drummond, Gardner, Hilton, Hinds, Morse and Phelps --- 6
[Mr Davee proposed an amendment.]
Mr Davee moved to amend the same report, by adding to the list reported, and counting the seventeen votes given which do not designate the Persons for when they were given -
[Question to be taken by Yeas & Nays-]
On motion by Mr Hinds; Ordered, that when the question on this amendment is taken, it be taken by yeas & nays: and after debate, the question "will the Senate adopt the proposed amendment" was decided in the negative as follows:
Messrs - Davee, Dunlap, Hall, Hutchinson, Hutchings, Ingalls, Meqquier & Steele --- 8
Nays- Messrs - Drummond, Gardner, Healey, Hilton, Hinds, Kingsbery, Morse & Phelps - 8
The Senate adjourned -
Afternoon- The Senate met according to adjournment -
The Senate resumed the consideration of the report of the Committee on the Gubernatorial votes -
[Mr Meqquier amendment]
Mr Meqquier moved to amend the report by adding to the list and counting the votes of Plantation No. 23. in Washington County -