(78) Seaman of Pittston, Spaulding, Hoyt, Merrill, Robinson, Boutelle, Morse, Wood, Charles, Barrell, Parsons, Caldwell, Norton, Allen of Fairfield, Bartlett, Thurston, Searle, Hutchings, Greator, Kent, Clark of Levant, Fowler, of the House -87
[Nays] Nays. Messrs. Davee, Dunlap, Hutchinson, Hutchings, Ingalls, Megquier and Steele of the Senate and Messrs. Wedgewood, Spinney, Bradbury, Wentworth, Clark of Limington, Lord, Kezar, Goodwin, Chase, Larrabee, Rideout, Wheeler, Woodbury, Strout, Merrell, Mann, Latham, Stinchfield, Waterman, Jordan, Fogg, Shaw of Standish, Bishop, Thomas of Friendship, Lennan, Smith of Nobleboro, Watts, Ruggles, Lermond, Andrews, Thomas of Eden, Burnham, Chandler, Farnsworth, Johnson of Farmington, Howard of Leeds, White, Brigham, Frost, Howard of Brownfield, Hutchinson, Barnard, Tobin, Small, Perry, Cole, Howe, Nevers, Bonney, Bean, Bartlett of Kingfield, Patterson of Strong, Bartlett of Garland, Kelsey, Emery, Lowney, Richardson, Rowe, Goddard, Trafton, Snow, Glidden, Lennan of Lincolnville, Lambert, Knowlton, Alden, Swett, Carr, Small, of the House -76