[Left margin: 1825]
Senate February 1st, 1825.
[Left margin: Bills]
Bill to incorporate the Union Bank,” came up with amendments; the Senate so far reconsider their former votes, as to concur with the House in their amendments, adopt further amendments and now pass the same to be engrossed: sent down for concurrence: came up concurred.
Bill to repeal the first section of an act entitled an additional Act respecting the inspection of Beef, Pork, Butter and Lard, and for other purposes,” was read a 2d time and passed to be engrossed: sent down for concurrence.
[Left margin: Bills taken from files and referred]
Order of the House that the “Bill to prevent the buying and selling of dormant titles,” and “Bill additional to an act relating to real actions,” be taken from the files and referred to the joint committee of both Houses on the subject to which they refer,” came up for concurrence: Read and concurred.
[Left margin: Report on Petition]
Mr. Parlin from the committee, on petition of Simeon Milliken, reported that he have leave to withdraw his petition: Read, accepted and sent down for concurrence: concurred.
[Left margin: Resolve]
Resolve on the petition of the selectmen of Otisfield,” passed to be engrossed in the House, came up for concurrence, and was read and passed to be engrossed in concurrence.
[Left margin: Petition referred]
Petition of the Selectmen of Moscow to be refunded for
[Last word written at end of new line]