(278) Hinds, Morse and Phelps -5.
[President's reply] The President then made an appropriate address to the Senate, in answer. [Resolve providing compensation to certain officers] The Resolve entitled "Resolve providing compensation for certain officers" came up indefinitely postponed for concurrence. The Senate receded from their former vote and concurred the House in their proposition.
[Bill add. Sheriffs] A Bill from the House entitled "An additional act respecting Sheriffs" was read and referred to the next Legislature in concurrence.
[Resolve in favor of S. Haynes &c] Mr. Megquier had leave to lay on the table a Resolve entitled "Resolve in favor of Samuel Haynes and for other purposes", and the same was read the first and second times and passed to be Engrossed. Sent down for concurrence.
[same] (Afterwards) The Resolve last mentioned came up, having passed the Hose to be Engrossed as amended, for concurrence. The Senate nonconcurred the House in their proposed amendment and adhered to their vote whereby they originally passed the same to be Engrossed. Sent down for concurrence.
[Report Public Lands] The Report of the Joint Standing Committee on State Lands, on so much of the Governor's Message as relates to the Public Lands, came up, the House having nonconcurred the Senate in their proposed amendment, and having accepted the same as amended by the House. The Senate nonconcurred the House and adhered to their former vote. Sent down for concurrence.
The Committee on Engrossed Bills