(235) for concurrence. Concurred [Bill. Mackerel] The Bill entitled "An act establishing the fees for culling and packing mackerel " was taken up, amended, and referred to the next Legislature. Sent down for concurrence. [Bill Agriculture & Manufactures] The Bill entitled " An act for the encouragement of Agriculture and manufactures" came from the House indefinitely postponed for concurrence. The Senate nonconcurred the House in their proposition and so far receded from their former vote as to refer the same to the next Legislature. Sent down for concurrence. Concurred. [Bill Road over New Meadows River] On motion, a Message was ordered to be sent to the House of Representatives to inform the House that the Senate has reconsidered their vote whereby they passed to be Engrossed the Bill entitled "An act authorizing the Courts of Sessions in the Counties of Cumberland and Lincoln to lay out a Road over the New Meadows River" and had amended said Bill, and ordered the same to be Reengrossed as amended, and to request the concurrence of the House therein. [Bill. valuation] The Bill entitled "An act to ascertain the amount and description of estates and of certain description of Persons within this State, was taken up, amended and passed to be Engrossed as thus amended. Set down in concurrence. [Notive ordered on Petition of H. Milliken" Mr. Gardner, from the Joint standing Committee on the incorporation of Towns to whom was recommitted the Petition of Henry Milliken, reported an order of notice. The report was read and accepted. Sent down for concurrence. Concurred. The Senate adjourned. Attest Edward Kavanagh Secretary