[1824] [Report on Petition] Mr. Usher from the committee on petition of Samuel Taylor and als. reported that they have leave to withdraw their petition: Read, accepted and sent down for concurrence: concurred. -
[Bill] Bill respecting the indorsement of writs came up in a new draft: The Senate reconsider all their former votes upon this subject give the Bill one reading and refuse a 2nd reading of the same. -
Mr. Witham from the committee on engrossed Bills reported a
[Resolve passed] "Resolve for laying a tax on the several Counties", to be truly copied, and it was passed.
[Message to the Governor] On motion of Mr. McDonald, ordered that Messrs. McDonald, and Witham, with such as the House may join, be a committee to wait upon the Governor, and inform him that the Legislature have passed upon all the public business before them, and have agreed to adjourn without day; and that the committee enquire of the Governor whether he has any further communication to make at this time to the Legislature: sent down for concurrence: concurred, and Messrs. Adams, Fillebrown and Shaw were joined. -
The Senate reconsider their vote by which they passed to be engrossed the [Bill] Bill additional to an Act to organize, govern and discipline the Militia; adopt sundry amendments and now pass the same to be engrossed as amended: sent down for concurrence: concurred. -
The committee appointed to wait upon the Governor and inform him that the Legislature had passed upon all the public business before them, &c.