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[Left margin: 1825]

Senate February 15th, 1825.

[Left margin: Bills]

Mr. Ripley from the committee on engrossed Bills reported the following to be truly copied, viz.

Bill to cede to the United States of America the jurisdiction of certain lands,”

Bill in addition to an Act to incorporate the town of Richmond,”

Bill to regulate the taking of Fish in Brooksville,”

Bill additional to an Act to prevent fraud in firewood, bark or coal, exposed to sale,”

Bill in addition to an Act to incorporate the President, Directors & Co. of the Casco Bank,”

Bill respecting the fisheries in the Counties of Lincoln and Cumberland,” and

Bill to incorporate the town of Whiting;”

And they were severally passed to be enacted.

[Left margin: Resolve]

Bill prescribing the mode of trail at law in certain cases,” and

Resolve laying a tax on the several Counties”, passed to be engrossed in the House, came up for concurrence, and were read once and committed, and tomorrow at 10 oclock assigned for their 2d reading.

[Left margin: Petition referred]

Petition of J. B. Osgood & als. for a Bank at Fryeburg,” was read and referred to the Committee on Banks and Banking: sent down for concurrence: concurred.

[Left margin: Bill]

Mr. Stebbins from the committee on that subject, reported a

Bill in addition to an Act for the settlement of certain equitable claims arising in real actions,” which was read once and committed and

[last word written at end of a new line]