[Left margin: 1825
Choice of Major Generals]
The Senate then proceeded to a choice, on their part, of a Major General of the sixth Division of the Militia of this State:
The whole number of votes given was – 18
necessary to a choice – 10
Major James Osgood had – 13
and was declared elected on the part of the Senate, and
A message was sent to the House informing them of the same, and requesting their concurrence.
The Senate then proceeded to a choice, on their part, of a Major General of the eight Division of the Militia of this State:
The whole number of votes given was – 18
necessary to a choice – 10
Brigr. genl. Joseph Locke had – 10
and was declared elected on the part of the Senate, and
A message was sent to the House informing them of the same, and requesting their concurrence.
[Left margin: Resolve passed]
Mr. Ripley from the committee on engrossed Bills, reported a
Resolve for the admission of Ephraim H. Lombard to practice law in the Court of Common Pleas,” to be truly copied, and it was finally passed.
[Left margin: Report on Petition]
Mr. Campbell from the committee, on petition of Joseph M. Baker & als. reported that the same be referred to the next Legislature: Read, accepted and sent down for concurrence: concurred. Mr.
[Last word written at end of a new line]