174 Caompanies of Cotton, Wool, Iron and Steel for limited times was read a first and second time and Monday next at eleven o'clock assigned for a third reading. The House reconsidered their vote passing to be engrossed the Bill to regulate Banks and Banking - amend the same in new draft and pass the same to be engrossed;. Sent up in concurrence. Report of Committee granting an order of notice on the Petition of Henry W. Fuller and others came from the Senate accepted for concurrence and the House amend the same by inserting at A the words "Eastern Argus, Maine Inquirer and Somerset Journal" - and accept the same as so amended. Sent up for concurrence. Petition of Levi G. Hutchinson and others to be incorporated into a company by the name of the Proprietors of the Austin Steam Gristmill Company - was read and referred to the committee on Agriculture. sent up for concurrence. Petition of the Selectmen of Solon that the doings of their Town may be made valid was read and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary - sent up for concurrence. Bill - respecting the attachment of property on mesne process - was read a second time and the amendments of the Senate being adopted, the same was further amended as on sheet annexed marked C and D - and Monday next at eleven o'clock assigned for a third reading of the same. Report of the Committee on State Lands, granting leave to withdraw on petition of Levi Dow came from the Senate