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[Left margin: 1825


Mr. Stebbins from the committee upon that subject, reported a

Resolve agreeing to the proposals of the American Asylum,” which was read and passed to be engrossed: sent down for concurrence, and came up concurred.

[Left margin: Resolve]

Resolve relating to the accounts of Anson G. Chandler and Rufus K. Lane,” and

[Left margin: Bill]

Bill in addition to an Act to secure rent to lessors of house lots and mill privileges,”

were read a 2d time and passed to be engrossed; sent down for concurrence.

[Left margin: Bills]

The Senate still insist upon their former vote by which they passed to be engrossed the

“Bill in addition to the several acts now in force to organize, govern and discipline the Militia of this State,” and appoint as conferees on their part Messrs. Dunlap, Campbell and Ripley: sent down.

Bill establishing the Salary of the Governor,” was taken up and the Senate postpone the same indefinitely in concurrence with the House.

[Left margin: Resolve]

Resolve relating to the Judicial Courts in the County of Lincoln,” came up and the House pass the same to be engrossed: The Senate insist upon their vote by which they postponed the same indefinitely.

[Left margin: Bill]

Bill additional to an Act to incorporate certain persons for the purpose of building a Bridge across Back Cove, between Portland and Falmouth,” came up, and the House appoint as conferees, Messrs. Sturdevant, Richardson and Frost; and the Senate appoint on their

[last word written at end of a new line]