by yeas and nays was decided in the negative as follows:
Yeas. Messrs. Drummond, Gardiner, Hilton, Hinds & Morse - 5
Nays- Messrs Davee, Dunlap, Hall, Hutchinson, Hutchings, Ingalls, Meqquier 7 Steele - 8
[motion to postpone indefinitely]
Mr hinds moved that the order be postponed indefinitely and the question, on this motion, being ordered to be taken by Yeas & Nays was decided in the negative as follows:
Yeas- Messrs. Drummond, Gardner, Hilton, Hinds & Morse 5
Nays- Messrs Davee, Dunlap, Hall, Hutchinson, Hutchings, Ingalls, Meqquire & Steele - 8
[Committee on said order]
The question on passing the said order was then taken and declared by the President in the affirmative. Messrs Meqquier, Steele and Ingalls were then appointed on said committee in said order provided for -
The Senate adjourned-
attest- Edward C Kavanagh Secretary -