66 in this State for the use of the members of the Legislature Adjourned Attest, Eben Hutchinson Secy.
Saturday January 24. 1829.
[order for the committee to inquire into the liabilities of certain Banks &c] Order of the House that the Committee on Banks and Banking be instructed to inquire into an Act in addition to an Act passed February 23rd 1827 respecting the liabilities of the Directors of Thomaston Manufactures, Union, Canal and Vassalboro Banks the same having been touched in the report of the Commissioners on Banks and to report as they shall think proper.
[order respecting enlarging the powers of Constables] " that the Committee on the Judiciary be instructed to inquire into the expediency of enlarging the powers of Constables in this State. Read and non-concurred. Sent down.
[Resolve in favor of S. Spring] The Senate reconsidered their former vote refusing a passage to the resolve in favor of Seth Spring and assign Wednesday next for its further consideration.