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[Left margin: 1825

Governor’s 2nd Message]

To the Senate and House of Representatives.

I lay lay before the Legislature a Communication received from the Directors of the American Asylum for the education of the Deaf and Dumb established at Hartford in the State of Connecticut. The Directors suggest a wish that some plan may be digested and adopted whereby the deaf and dumb of the neighboring States may be educated at that Institution, on such principles that each may have a due share in the enjoyment of the funds granted granted by Congress for the instruction of this unfortunate class of the community. They further intimate a willingness that each State, making application, should have the same benefit from the national grant as though the Asylum were located within its own territory. Accompanying this communication are several copies of the last annual Report of the Directors from which information may be derived of the character and present state of that Institution.

Council Chamber January 8 1825

Albion K. Parris.