The committee to whom was referred the memorial of Gamaliel E Smith made a detailed report concluding with an order in the words following, viz. Ordered, that the joint standing Committee of Accounts be & hereby are instructed to report on the Roll of Accounts the sum of Twenty five dollars as due Gamaliel E Smith as Adjutant of the 2nd Reg 2d Brig. & 1st Division of the Militia of this State as the annual allowance for performance of the duties belonging to that office for the year one thousand eight hundred & twenty eight & The House indefinitely postponed the order - The question was decided by yeas and nays and decided as follows Yeas 51 Nays 42 [see appendix page 331.]
Adjourned until 1/2 past two o'clock P.M.
Afternoon. Met according to adjournment.
Bill - additional to the several acts for the preservation of fish in Penobscot River & Bay & the several streams emptying the same, was read a third time & passed to be engrossed. Sent up for concurrence.
Bill - additional to an act to establish a Court of Common Pleas was read a third time & passed to be engrossed. Sent up for concurrence.
Bill - to incorporate the Sebago & Long Pond Steam Boat Navigation Company was called up & ordered to lie on the table.
Bill - additional to an act providing for the promotion of Education, was amended as on slip annexed marked P, read a third time & passed to be engrossed as thus amended. Sent up for concurrence.
Bill - in further addition to an act to establish the Cumberland & Oxford Canal Corporation, was read a third time