Messrs Gibson and Goodwin.
The petition of Jonathan Hyde and others for a Bank at Bath; " of Joshua Richardson and others for a Bank at Portland; " of Isaac Lane and others for a Bank in Hollis; " of George W. Lickering and others for a Bank in Bangor; " of Jacob Robinson and others for a Bank at Bath; " of John Brackett and others to be incorporated into a fire Insurance Company, were severally read and referred to the Joint Standing Committee on Banks and Banking, in concurrence.
The petition of Luther Peirce and others for a law for the preservation of roads and bridges; " of Erastus Richardson and others for leave to erect a bridge across little river in the town of Perry; " of the Selectmen of Atkinson for leave to assess taxes for the support of roads and bridges; " of Ira Wadleigh and others to be incorporated into a Bridges Company; " of Benjamin Chadbourne and others to be incorporated into a Stage Company, were severally read, and referred to the Joint Standing Committee on Turnpikes, Bridges, and Canal, in concurrence.