of Counsellors read and sent down.
The petition of Daniel Clement and others for an alteration in the fish law in Penobscot Bay was read and referred to the joint standing committee on Interior fisheries, in concurrence.
The petition of James H. Curtis and others relating to settling duties was read and referred to the joint standing committee on State Lands, in concurrence.
The Petition of inhabitants of township No. 17 in the county of Washington for an appropriation for schools and roads in said town; " of Thomas Bartlett to be admitted to practice law; " of inhabitants of Baileyville for an appropriation for a road; " of the town of Hope for separate representation, were severally read and referred to the joint standing committee on the Judiciary, in concurrence.
Mr Megquier, from the joint select committee, to whom was referred so much of the Governour's message as relates to the North Eastern Boundary, and the abduction of our citizens, made a report which was laid on the table. The Resolves, accompantings said report, were read, and monday, next at eleven o'clock in the forenoon assigned for a second reading; and ordered that five hundred copies of said report and Resolves be printed for the use of the Legislature.