Wednesday January 20th 1830.
Met according to adjournment
On motion of Mr Swan of Portland, Ordered, That the Secretary of State be requested to lay before the House an abstract of the returns ,ade tp him from the several incorporated Banks in this State for the past year - read & passed.
A communication was received from the Secretary of State transmitting in obedience to the order of the House of this date, an abstract of the several returns of the several incorporated Banks within this State &c, which was read and 600 copies thereof ordered to be printed for the use of the members.
Memorial of Andrew Roberts of Waterboro, accompanied by sundry depositions to prove the facts therein set forth, relating to his right to a seat as a member of this House, was presented and read - and thereupon, Mr Adams of Portland moved to commit the same to the committee on Elections - Mr Norton laid upon the Speakers table sundry counter depositions which were also read - Mr Ruggles then mobed to amend the motion to commit made by Mr Adams, by adding thereto the words "& that Andrew Roberts be admitted to hold a seat in this House pending any further investigation of his case before the Committee on Elections" and the House ordered this question to be taken by yeas & nays - but before the same was taken the House,
Adjourned until afternoon
Afternoon. Met according to adjournment.
Adjourned, Attest
James L Child Clerk